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The main obstacles to the deplorable state of polymer exports

Despite the fact that our beloved country Iran in industries such as petrochemicals has a comparative advantage of access to hydrocarbon resources, if not the cheapest price with one of the lowest prices in the world, and the petrochemical industry due to the fact that it is run professionally Types of rents also benefit, but their output is not as it should be and may not be positive. The main obstacles to the deplorable situation of polymer exports are sanctions and the lack of up-to-date production technologies, and the solution to the second problem is practically tied to the lifting of sanctions.

In the quarterly reports, we see that the operating and gross profit of petrochemical companies has increased sharply, except for some of them, such as Fanavar Petrochemical, which supplies methanol and feed to other petrochemicals, and on the other hand, has a large amount of exports, and can He said that the increase in world prices is the most important factor in the growth of the company's huge profitability this year. They point to the rise in the price of polymers and chemicals in the domestic market, which means double the pressure on downstream industries.

What we expect from these petrochemicals is that they can be successful, especially in the field of exporting the most value-added polymers, and increase their operating profits in this area. However, according to a well-known person in the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran, not only is this not the case, but also the country's exports in the field of polymers to countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Oman and Kuwait are in a deplorable state.

Recently, the head of the Export Commission of the National Association of Iranian Polymer Industries, stating that the volume of the polymer market in Turkey is more than 11 billion dollars, said: "Of this large market, we have only 250 million dollars, equivalent to 2%, which is a small number." Iran ranks 13th in this market.
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